Choose the sunshine


Sunshine and roses, storms and sad faces… if you have the sunshine inside of you – none of this will matter as it will be easy to find the sunshine and roses in any state.
We need everything, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, in our life. It’s how we can tell the difference between those states.
You simply cannot have one without the other.
What you can have though, is an unlimited amount of sunshine and roses in your life – so that when the storms and sadness come to visit, we can get out of that state much quicker.
It’s important we feel everything.
Don’t push aside the not so pleasant, just because you don’t want to deal, it will only end up worse for you in the long run.
But that’s not to say you have to stay in it.
You can quite easily feel, deal with and then reach for that sunshine within you.
You may be scoffing, but it truly is available to you, any and at all times.
If you choose it to be.
But you are the one that needs to choose it.
To willingly let go of the storm and instead embrace the sunshine.
Are you willing and ready to do just that?
You can end your own suffering, anytime you choose.
But do you choose it?
Some of us knowingly, or unknowingly like to live in this state, whether it is because we always have, it’s easier, it’s fitting a feeling.
It doesn’t always matter the reasoning, just that you become aware of it.
Because you truly do not need to be in this state anymore.
You can choose the sunshine.
Are you going to today?
“I choose the sunshine inside of me, to be my natural state, one I easily go back to”
Till next time… keep walking your spiritual path xx


  1. Miss Vanilla · March 17, 2019

    I thoroughly enjoyed your writing. It’s so meaningful and yes choosing sunshine is the best way for all to live a peaceful life and to enjoy the life full of bliss.


  2. velmadunkin · March 18, 2019

    Reblogged this on fiercefabulousfunny and commented:
    I choose sunshine


  3. Margaret Lynette Sharp · September 5, 2019

    Wise words!


  4. emergingfromthedarknight · October 22, 2021

    Reblogged this on Emerging From The Dark Night and commented:
    A lovely and inspiring piece from 2019.. the sun is there still shining even as storm clouds cover it.. ❤


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